Through the creation of new interactive online tools, the VHH project reevaluates the filmed history of the Holocaust based on a comprehensive mapping, contextualization, and reframing of the footage shot by Allied forces during and after the liberation of Nazi concentration camps at the end of World War II. We are developing new methods of digital curation by dynamically linking filmic records with photographs, text documents and oral histories, thereby uncovering layers of context and meaning that are inaccessible through traditional linear narratives. The project participants bring knowledge, state-of-the-art concepts and practices from information science, museum pedagogy and digital storytelling to design a new approach to engaging with the Holocaust. Digitized film and media collections are entered into a new system that enables participatory forms of user interaction and encourages user engagement and co-creation. In doing so this project aims at critical awareness for the use of imagery about mass murder by implementing an ethics guideline and general principles of digital curation of filmic records and contextual documents related to the Holocaust.
Reconsidering Representations of the Holocaust – Digital Curation, Evidence and Remembrance Through the VHH Project
Roundtable and discussion at the virtual conference "Examining American Responses to the Holocaust: Digital Possibilities"
Breaking new ground in the way moving image material about the Holocaust has been and could be presented in the future.