An important question for future Holocaust memory is how to establish new connections to the memories from the past, which became a crucial reference frame and formative event for many societies. The Visual History of the Holocaust Media Management and Search Infrastructure (VHH-MMSI) intends to provide answers to these questions by offering a new, inclusive concept of digital curation that will innovate curatorial work with digitized film and media collections.
Rethinking curation in the digital age, the VHH project aims for integrating elements from digital data curation and methods from museum curatorship and heritage curation, as well as those derived from film making practices, and other cultural and media practices. The specific tools that enable the creation of new and interpretative media of information are interactive storytelling and technology-driven personalized engagement and learning.
In doing so, the VHH-MMSI enables users to compare, curate and (re-)appropriate historical film materials in order to trace the ‘cultural migration’ of images. Users can also focus on specific situations as well as sites (such as the depiction or particular concentration and extermination camps), or they can explore new relations between the actual places, the historical films, popular culture depictions in various national and transnational contexts and other historical sources and testimony accounts. To achieve this goal, this deliverable includes definitions of key concepts of the VHH-MMSI, as well as engagement scenarios envisioning its future use and user engagement.