The expert videos are intended to be integrated into the VHH-MMSI as visual objects with their own metadata, and thereafter, to be accessed through the VHH-MMSI so that the user will be able to interact with them digitally. In addition, edited versions will be featured on the VHH Website as pre-curated material.
The videos aim to provide a comprehensive review of some of the historical sources and visual information available in the VHH-MMSI, will help the user to see a digital asset presented in the VHH-MMSI in a broader context, and assist in recognizing new relations between different objects and digitized assets. They are targeted at all potential VHH stakeholders and users and are designed to offer a variety of voices from experts working in academia.
Users will be able to access the interviews via the VHH-MMSI either as full-length interview, as short thematic segments or as an edited short video. The possibility of exploring a visual object that manifests a visual relation to liberation imagery alongside an interview with an expert explanation anchors this imagery in a broader historical and cultural context, thereby enriching the experience and the knowledge gained during the use of the VHH-MMSI. Moreover, the option offered to the user to work with the expert video as a raw recorded material opens a window to a wide range of new media products of educational value.