Film als Zeuge des Holocaust?
ORF-Radio Ö1, Kulturjournal - Wednesday, 03.05.2023
Radio report by Jakob Fessler as part of the broadcast series “Kulturjournal” on Ö1, the national radio channel of the ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation)
ZIB 2: Die visuelle Geschichte des Massenmordes
ORF ZIB 2 - Friday, 27.01.2023
TV report by Christian Konrad in ORF's main news show Zeit im Bild 2
Wie umgehen mit Bildern des Holocaust?
Der Standard - Friday, 27.01.2023
Newspaper article by Valerie Dirk published in the culture section of the Austrian daily “Der Standard”
Kulturzeit extra: Auschwitz und wir – Wie der Shoah gedenken?
3sat - Thursday, 27.01.2022
TV report by Sandra Krieger as part of the broadcast series "Kulturzeit"
Bildsprache des Massenmords: Digitalisierungsprojekt „Visual History of the Holocaust"
SWR2 - Wednesday, 27.01.2021
Radio feature by Sabine Mahr as part of the broadcast series „SWR2 am Morgen” on SWR2, a radio channel of the Südwestrundfunk (the regional public broadcasting corporation for the southwest of Germany)
Holocaust-Gedenken auf Instagram und Co
Der Standard - Wednesday, 27.01.2021
Newspaper article by Bert Rebhandl published in the science section of the Austrian daily “Der Standard”
Let TikTok Creators Pretend to Be Victims of the Nazis. It Strengthens Holocaust Memory
Haaretz - Thursday, 10.09.2020
Opinion piece by Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann and Tom Divon on campaigns against young social media users role-playing and hashtagging the Holocaust on the social media platform TikTok
Entfernte Erinnerung. Wie Gedenkstätten auf die COVID-19 Pandemie reagieren
E-Newsletter International School for Holocaust Studies Yad Vashem - Sunday, 15.11.2020
Contribution by Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann for the German E-Newsletter of the International School for Holocaust Studies Yad Vashem about digital projects and social media initiatives launched by Holocaust memorials and museums during the COVID-19 pandemic
Eva Stories
The SIP – A smart podcast - Thursday, 16.07.2020
Podcast by Lital Henig and Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann about the social media commemoration project “Eva Stories” on Instagram and new forms of digital storytelling and social media witnessing
Champ contre-champ, les images des camps
Radio France, France Culture, Le Cours de l’histoire - Monday, 27.01.2020
Presentation of Irina Tcherneva and Valérie Pozner in the radio broadcast ‘Le Cours de l’histoire’ by Xavier Mauduit with the participation of filmmaker Christophe Cognet and historian Annette Wieviorka, broadcast by the French public radio channel ‘France Culture’
Wir im Krieg: Privatfilme aus Hitlers Reich (II)
ZDF - Tuesday, 28.04.2020
TV-documentary about private films made by German soldiers and civilians during the Second World War including expert interviews with Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann, broadcast by the German public broadcaster ZDF
Wir im Krieg: Privatfilme aus der NS-Zeit (I)
ZDF - Tuesday, 06.08.2019
TV-documentary about private films made by German soldiers and civilians in the Third Reich including expert interviews with Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann, broadcast by the German public broadcaster ZDF
Transformation of Holocaust Memory in Times of COVID-19
IWM Corona Blog - Wednesday, 06.05.2020
Post in the Corona Blog of the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna by Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann about the development of distinct modes of social media memory in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic
In-between persecution and pandemic: Israel is re-examining the memory of the Holocaust in the times of Corona (in Hebrew)
KAN (online) - Monday, 20.04.2020
Op-ed column by Lital Henig on the website of the Israeli TV-network KAN
What if you could Instagram the Holocaust? A question sparks controversy
abc News - Wednesday, 01.05.2019
Newspaper article about the controversial Instagram project “Eva Stories” with statements by Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann, published by ABC News
Holocaust-Gedenken: “Eva Stories” auf Instagram
Tagesthemen - Thursday, 02.05.2019
TV-report by Mike Lingenfelser on the Instagram project “Eva Stories” including an expert interview with Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann, broadcast by the German public broadcaster ARD
Hologramas, Instagram e porta-vozes: como não deixar morrer as histórias dos sobreviventes do Holocausto
Público - Monday, 27.01.2020
Newspaper article based on an interview with Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann by Maria João Guimarães for the Portuguese daily newspaper “Público”
Stumme Bilder des Holocaust sichtbar machen
Die Presse - Saturday, 04.08.2018
Newspaper article by Ronald Posch published in the science section of the Austrian daily “Die Presse”
Online-Archiv zu Holocaust-Dokumenten geplant
ORF-Radio Ö1, Wissen aktuell - Thursday, 02.08.2018
Radio feature as part of the broadcast series “Wissen aktuell” on Ö1, the national radio channel of the ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation)
Neuartiges Archiv für Holocaust-Filme - Thursday, 02.08.2018
Online article by Ruth Hutsteiner published in the science section of the ORF’s (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation’s) website
Filmdokumente des Holocaust werden digital aufbereitet
Der Standard - Thursday, 02.08.2018
Newspaper report by the Austrian Press Agency published in the science section of the Austrian daily “Der Standard”