The EU Horizon 2020 project “Visual History of the Holocaust: Rethinking Curation in the Digital Age” (2019–2022) explores the potentials as well as the limitations of digital technologies in the ongoing effort to preserve, analyze and communicate historical evidence of the Holocaust, and in particular audiovisual records. It is coordinated by the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital History (Vienna), in close collaboration with the Austrian Film Museum (Vienna).

Featured Videos

Dunkles Erbe: Digitales Kuratieren von Holocaust-Filmen

VHH Research Seminar – Session 3: Soviet Footage on Nazi Crimes and Its Textual Documentation: Identification and Research Issues

Unfolding the Visual History of the Holocaust through American Liberation Footage (4/4): Advanced Digitization & the VHH-MMSI

Digital Humanities and the Archive: Datafication and Curation of “Non Feature” Film Documents, Transhuman Agents, Historiographical Challenges – and Chances

Using Prototype Tools to Detect and Classify Cinematographic Concepts and Relations in Digitized Film Collections

Combining Sources on Nazi Atrocities: A Metadata Schema to Describe, Relate and Annotate Film and Non-Film Material

Upcoming and Recent Events

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Filmographien als Orte der Erinnerung

09.12.2024, 10:00 to 11.12.2024, 16:00
Potsdam, Deutschland

Das Filmographien war ein zentrales Anliegen von Ronny Loewy und der von ihm gegründeten Arbeitsgruppe (AG) der Cinematographie des Holocaust (CdH). Daher steht deren diesjährige Tagung am 9.-11. Dezember 2024 in Potsdam unter dem Motto "Filmographien als Orte der Erinnerung".

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VHH-MMSI: Relaunch der CdH auf der Visual History of the Holocaust Plattform

11.12.2023, 14:15 to 11.12.2023, 16:00
Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am Main

Das EU Horizon 2020 Projekt „Visual History of the Holocaust: Rethinking Curation in the Digital Age (VHH)“ hat die von Ronny Loewy in den 1990er und 200er Jahren aufgebaute Cinematographie des Holocaust (CdH) umfassend bearbeitet.

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Vernetzte Bilder: Digitale Zugänge zum audiovisuellen Erbe des Holocaust

11.12.2023, 14:00 to 12.12.2023, 17:45
DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum

Nach zwölfjähriger Pause startet die von Ronny Loewy gegründete Arbeitsgruppe mit dieser Konferenz neu.

Media Reports

Media Report

Film als Zeuge des Holocaust?

ORF-Radio Ö1, Kulturjournal - Wednesday, 03.05.2023

Radio report by Jakob Fessler as part of the broadcast series “Kulturjournal” on Ö1, the national radio channel of the ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation)

Media Report

ZIB 2: Die visuelle Geschichte des Massenmordes

ORF ZIB 2 - Friday, 27.01.2023

TV report by Christian Konrad in ORF's main news show Zeit im Bild 2

Media Report

Wie umgehen mit Bildern des Holocaust?

Der Standard - Friday, 27.01.2023

Newspaper article by Valerie Dirk published in the culture section of the Austrian daily “Der Standard”

Media Report

Kulturzeit extra: Auschwitz und wir – Wie der Shoah gedenken?

3sat - Thursday, 27.01.2022

TV report by Sandra Krieger as part of the broadcast series "Kulturzeit"



The Impossibility of Simply Moving On: Essay On the Hamas Attack and the Atrocity Images It Generated

Deborah Hartmann, Tobias Ebbrech-Hartmann: The Impossibility of Simply Moving On: Essay On the Hamas Attack and the Atrocity Images It Generated (November 24, 2023). This essay has first been published in German in taz, November 11, 2023 (!5967960/). Translation by Jill Kreuer, Vienna.

Its genocidal message with direct links to the Holocaust distinguishes October 7 from previous attacks on Israel.


D1.6 EU Commission Policy Brief: ECCCH – No Cultural Heritage Cloud Without Audiovisual Media

This second out of two Policy Briefs of the VHH Horizon 2020 Innovation Action is entirely dedicated to including the domain-specific needs of film and other audiovisual media in the system design and the governance model of the envisioned European Collaborative Cultural Heritage Cloud (ECCCH) right from its start.


Digital Visual History: Historiographic Curation Using Digital Technologies

Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann, Noga Stiassny, Lital Henig: Digital Visual History: Historiographic Curation Using Digital Technologies, in: Rethinking History, vol. 27, no. 2 (March 2023), 159–186.

How can the visual heritage of past events been analyzed through the combination of historiographic practices of curation and digital technologies?


The Auschwitz Tattoo in Visual Memory

Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann, Noga Stiassny, Fabian Schmidt: The Auschwitz Tattoo in Visual Memory. Mapping Multilayered Relations of a Migrating Image, in: Research in Film and History. Video Essays (November 2022),

Mapping Multilayered Relations of a Migrating Image